If you are a UPSC aspirant, you must know how rigorously you need to study to crack the exam. To succeed, you may read a lot of books, notes, and newspapers. However, there are some magazines that you can go through to get knowledge in depth. Amongst them, an important one is the Kurukshetra magazine. The Kurukshetra magazine is introduced into the market for the betterment of the UPSC candidates. Let us take a look at its importance. Why is the Kurukshetra magazine important? You will come across a lot of UPSC and IAS candidates who follow the Kurukshetra magazine every month. What makes the Kurukshetra magazine important is the government policies and issues that it comes up with each month. In addition to the government issues, the magazine also consists of every policy's data in details and analyzes them in depth. Being a UPSC aspirant, if you go through these analyses and the points highlighted under every government issue, you can write better long answers in the UPSC...