When you have already made up your mind to crack the UPSC exam, you must be aware that you have to study quite a lot. In fact, you have to refer to various study materials. To score better marks, IAS aspirants should refer to a few books and magazines besides the study materials that you get from the IAS coaching class. Of all the study materials available, one of the most beneficial magazines is the Kurukshetra. You don’t have to worry about its availability as the Kurukshetra Magazine PDF download is featured by many IAS coaching centers. However, out of so many study materials available in the market, you must be wondering why Kurukshetra Magazine is given extra importance. In this blog, we will tell you the reasons behind reading the Kurukshetra Magazine and its impact on reading this magazine. How does the Kurukshetra Magazine benefit IAS aspirants? Here is how the Kurukshetra Magazine thoroughly helps every UPSC aspirant: First and foremost, ...