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10 Success Stories from IAS Coaching in Delhi


Delhi, often referred to as the epicenter of IAS coaching in India, has produced numerous success stories over the years. The city boasts some of the best IAS coaching institutes that have helped aspirants achieve their dream of becoming top-ranking civil servants. Here, we delve into ten inspiring success stories that underscore the significance of .IAS coaching in Delhi.

1. Tina Dabi - A Trailblazer

Tina Dabi made headlines in 2016 by securing the first rank in the UPSC Civil Services Examination. A student of Vajiram & Ravi, her journey was marked by dedication and strategic preparation. Her success has inspired countless aspirants to pursue IAS coaching in Delhi, recognizing the importance of structured guidance.

2. Anudeep Durishetty - Perseverance Personified

Anudeep Durishetty's story is one of sheer perseverance. Despite facing multiple setbacks, he never gave up and eventually secured the first rank in the 2017 UPSC exams. His association with Delhi's Vision IAS was instrumental in his preparation, providing him with the right resources and mentorship.

3. Kanishak Kataria - The IITian’s Triumph

Kanishak Kataria, an IIT graduate, clinched the top rank in the 2018 UPSC exams. His journey with the Delhi-based Vajiram & Ravi coaching center exemplifies how targeted coaching can bridge the gap between technical education and civil service preparation.

4. Srushti Deshmukh - Balancing Academics and Aspirations

Srushti Deshmukh's success in the 2018 UPSC exams, where she secured the fifth rank, highlights her ability to balance engineering studies and IAS preparation. She credits her success to KSG (Khan Study Group) in Delhi, which provided her with tailored coaching to excel in the exams.

5. Artika Shukla - From Medicine to Administration

Artika Shukla, a doctor by profession, ranked fourth in the 2015 UPSC exams. Her transition from medicine to civil services was facilitated by her time at the Delhi-based coaching institute, Vision IAS. Her story is a testament to the power of focused coaching in achieving career shifts.

6. Saumya Sharma - Overcoming Physical Challenges

Saumya Sharma’s journey is particularly inspiring as she cleared the UPSC exams in 2017 with an impressive ninth rank, despite her hearing impairment. Her time at the Delhi-based ALS IAS coaching center provided her with the support and resources to overcome her challenges and succeed.

7. Nandini K.R. - Consistency is Key

Nandini K.R., who secured the top rank in the 2016 UPSC exams, attributes her success to consistent effort and the guidance she received from Rau's IAS Study Circle in Delhi. Her story underscores the importance of persistent hard work and the right coaching.

8. Pradeep Singh - A Rural Inspiration

Pradeep Singh’s success in the 2019 UPSC exams, where he secured the first rank, is particularly inspiring for rural aspirants. His preparation at Delhi’s Vision IAS helped him navigate the complexities of the exam, proving that background is no barrier to success.

9. Junaid Ahmed - Engineering a Change

Junaid Ahmed, an engineering graduate, secured the third rank in the 2018 UPSC exams. His journey was significantly shaped by his time at Delhi's Jamia Millia Islamia Residential Coaching Academy. His story illustrates how engineering graduates can successfully transition to civil services with the right coaching.

10. Anu Kumari - A Mother’s Determination

Anu Kumari, a mother of two, managed to secure the second rank in the 2017 UPSC exams. Her preparation with Vision IAS in Delhi was pivotal in her success, demonstrating that personal circumstances need not be a barrier to achieving one’s dreams.


These ten success stories are a testament to the transformative power of IAS coaching in Delhi. Each aspirant's journey, marked by determination and strategic preparation, highlights the critical role that coaching institutes play in shaping the future of India’s civil services. For many, these success stories serve as beacons of hope and motivation, underscoring the importance of guidance, perseverance, and hard work in achieving one’s aspirations.


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